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Sapienza University of Rome (Italy) [https://www.uniroma1.it/en/pagina/bilateral-agreements-student-mobility-non-eu]
Sapienza University of Rome (Italy) [https://www.uniroma1.it/en/pagina/bilateral-agreements-student-mobility-non-eu]
o Page: []
o courses: [https://corsidilaurea.uniroma1.it/en]
o courses: [https://corsidilaurea.uniroma1.it/en]
o Promo material: [https://www.uniroma1.it/sites/default/files/field_file_allegati/international_student_guide.pdf ]
o Promo material: [https://www.uniroma1.it/sites/default/files/field_file_allegati/international_student_guide.pdf ]

Revision as of 13:32, 22 March 2022

What is an exchange program

Innopolis University is glad to offer you a chance to study at one of the finest universities from all over the world during one semester. If you are dreaming of getting opportunities for personal development, acquiring skills needed for the job market across the globe, discovering and exploring new cultures, meeting new people and traveling, you are most welcome to apply for an exchange program at one of the partner institutions of Innopolis University. International Relations Office will assist you and help with questions throughout the whole program. Participate in the program and get benefits that will surely enhance your skills: master foreign language, advance your CV, make lifelong friends, open new opportunities for your future career.

International Relations Office contacts

Innopolis University International Relations Office room 503A international@innopolis.university

P.: +7 843 203 92 53 (ext.) 108

Lead manager for international exchange, Miliausha Garaeva m.garaeva@innopolis.ru

What kind of programs can I apply for?

Innopolis University provides two kinds of exchange programs: Erasmus+ funded exchange program and regular exchange program. Both programs allow students to have an exchange semester at one of the partner universities of Innopolis University. Erasmus+ program allows students to receive a grant that may cover the tuition fee, accommodation and travel costs. Regular exchange implies an exchange program where students bear the travel fare, insurance, accommodation and living expenses, except for the tuition fee. Innopolis University currently has the Erasmus+ agreements with the partner universities listed below. Please note that the list is subject to changes. • University of Toulouse 3 Paul Sabatier (France) https://www.univ-tlse3.fr/venir-erasmus • Technological University Dublin (Ireland) https://www.tudublin.ie/study/international-students/study-abroad-and-erasmus/incoming-erasmus-plus-and-exchange-students/

When does the call open? How will I know about the call?

The call for an Exchange program opens in the beginning of each semester. International Relations Office sends an-email to all Innopolis University students announcing the start of the call. The e-mail also contains the handbook with the description of all the steps, procedure and deadline as well as the list of partner universities.

Who can apply for an exchange program?

You are welcome to apply for an exchange program if you meet the following eligibility criteria. Semesters available for exchange: - Bachelor's level: 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7 - Master's level: 2 or 3 Trimesters available for exchange: - Bachelor's level: 4, 5, 7, 8 GPA required: - regular exchange: 4.0 or higher - Erasmus+: 4.4 or higher You should also check the entry requirements of the partner university at its website.

Can I start preparing my documents before the call?

Yes, you can familiarize yourself with the list of the partner universities (see question 8) and start to preliminarily match the courses.

Where can I find the list of the courses to be taught at Innopolis University during the exchange semester?

The list of the courses is provided upon request to m.garaeva@innopolis.ru or international@innopolis.university.

Can I get assistance with course matching?

Yes, the International Relations Office will organize meetings with program managers during the semester prior to the application period where you will get assistance with course matching. Please prepare the list of courses and their equivalents for meetings. The International Relations Office will announce the dates and time of meetings additionally.

Where can I order the transcript of records?

You should order transcript of records at my.university.innopolis.ru, it is usually issued within 5 working days. The transcript must be translated into English. You can pick up the document in room 432.

List of partner universities and list of the courses:

Sapienza University of Rome (Italy) [1]

o courses: [2]

o Promo material: [3]

University of Bologna (Italy) o Page: [] o courses: [] o Promo material: []

University of L’Aquila (Italy) o Page: [] o courses: [] o Promo material: []

University of Messina (Italy) o Page: [] o courses: [] o Promo material: []

University of Trento (Italy) o Page: [] o courses: [] o Promo material: []

Harbour.Space BCN S.L. (Spain) o Page: [] o courses: [] o Promo material: []

Polytechnic University of Catalonia (Spain) o Page: [] o courses: [] o Promo material: []

Grenoble Institute of Technology (France) o Page: [] o courses: [] o Promo material: []

University of Toulouse 3 Paul Sabatier (Erasmus) (France) o Page: [] o courses: [] o Promo material: []

Universite Cote d`Azur (France) o Page: [] o courses: [] o Promo material: []

The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norway) o Page: [] o courses: [] o Promo material: []

University of Luxembourg (Luxembourg) o Page: [] o courses: [] o Promo material: []

University of Innsbruck (Austria) o Page: [] o courses: [] o Promo material: []

Technological University Dublin (Ireland) o Page: [] o courses: [] o Promo material: []

University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) o Page: [] o courses: [] o Promo material: []

University of Novi Sad (Serbia) o Page: [] o courses: [] o Promo material: []

University of Belgrade (Serbia) o Page: [] o courses: [] o Promo material: []

Singidunum University (Serbia) o Page: [] o courses: [] o Promo material: []

Middle East Technical University (Turkey) o Page: [] o courses: [] o Promo material: []

Igdir University (Turkey) o Page: [] o courses: [] o Promo material: []

Beijing Institute of Technology (China) o Page: [] o courses: [] o Promo material: []

Hanyang University (Korea) o Page: [] o courses: [] o Promo material: []

Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) (Korea) o Page: [] o courses: [] o Promo material: []

o Page: [] o courses: [] o Promo material: []

o Page: [] o courses: [] o Promo material: []