BSTE:IntroductionToFunctionalProgrammingAndScalaLanguage.previous version
Introduction to Functional Programming and Scala Language
Functional programming (FP) paradigm becomes one of the mainstream means nowadays. FP is used not only for experimental or academic research, but also in many industrial applications. Most of the popular languages (C++, C#, Java) include features supporting functional programming. Among them, the Scala programming language is perhaps one of the most interesting and promising examples that provide comprehensive set of functional features smoothly integrated with conventional object-oriented paradigm. This course is an introduction to the FP paradigm based on the Scala programming language. During the course, students learn the basic principles and techniques related to the FP approach in design and implementation of the modern software systems. In addition, the students take part in real software projects provided by Innopolis industrial partners (eg, Tinkoff company).