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Revision as of 14:30, 7 February 2022

Employment supports

Educational opportunities for alumni

Non-educational activities (student affairs)

Academic Leave

What if I failed

Contact and functions of administration

Schedule and Rooms


Usefull link for IU students: -Student Union(here you can find interesting events) 🍀


-InfoSharing (chat with useful learning materials) 🧩

       @evjic (you should write and ask to add you)

-Lost and Found if you lost or find smth 🔍


-Important ads about campus life 🏘


-Innopolis Library 📚


– technical questions directly to

      📲@Iuithelp (projectors, internet, wifi) or 
      📲@Orginnopolisu (furniture, markers, lights, A/C, etc.)

– requests to Students Affairs

      🤖 @StudentAffairs_bot
      📧 319@innopolis.ru

– requests to Departament of Education

      🤖 @education_support_bot
      📧 doe@innopolis.university

Channels and Groups links