MSc:BehavioralAndCognitiveRobotics old

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Behavioral and cognitive robotics

  • Course name: Behavioral and cognitive robotics
  • Course number: R-11
  • Area of instruction: Computer Science and Engineering

Administrative details

  • Faculty: Computer Science and Engineering
  • Year of instruction: 4th year of BSc
  • Semester of instruction: Spring semester
  • No. of Credits: 5 ECTS
  • Total workload on average: 180 hours overall
  • Frontal lecture hours: 2 hours per visit.
  • Frontal tutorial hours: 0 hours per week.
  • Lab hours: 2 hours per visit.
  • Individual lab hours: 0 hours per week.
  • Frequency: three 6 sessions though-out the semester.
  • Grading mode: letters: A, B, C, D.

Course outline

This is an introductory course in behavioral and cognitive robotics. During the course, students will learn the fundamental principles of robotics with particular reference to autonomous robotics: embodiment and situatedness, morphological computation, sensory-motor coordination, integration of information through time, the dynamical system nature of behavior and cognition, compositionality and generalization. Moreover, students will learn how to program robots and how to design robots that develop their behavioral and cognitive skills autonomously, in interaction with the environment, through an evolutionary and/or learning algorithms. This will be realized through the illustration of concrete examples taken from state of the art research in the field and through practical experimentation carried in simulation.

Expected learning outcomes

The course will provide an opportunity for participants to:

  • Understand the fundamental principle characterizing autonomous robots
  • Become familiar evolutionary and learning methods for continuous control optimization
  • Understand the research trends and the open problems in the field

Required background knowledge

Programming skills in C++ and Python. Knowledge on neural network and machine learning would help but are not mandatory

Prerequisite courses


Detailed topics covered in the course

  • Braitenberg’s vehicles
  • Embodiment, Situatedness, Behaviors integration and coordination
  • Collective and Swarm Robotics
  • Evolutionary Algorithms
  • Reinforcement Learning

Reference material


Required computer resources

Students will need to run computer experiments on a laptop and/or on lab computers. The access to a computer cluster for running computational expensive experiments would be helpful.

Students will be required to use and modify a software tool written in Python and C/C++ which run on multiple platforms (Linux, Microsoft Windows, and Mac OS). The tool requires freely available software libraries (C compiler, QT and GSL/GNU libraries).


  • Assignments (20%)
  • Interim Project Report (20%)
  • Final Project Report (60%)